お知らせ 感染症対策について

【news】If there are people from overseas who can help with the event(YOUKOSO.fes).

We have already received sponsorship help from people overseas.
The current description and benefits are for Japan, so we will create and publish guidelines for those living overseas.


YOUKOSO.fes :Sponsorship Guidelines


We recognize that sponsors are not business partners, but fellow participants in the event.

Please feel free to contact us for more information.
We would be happy to make this event a success together.


we’ve interacted with many foreign fans living in Japan.
COVID-19 has changed many of them.
I want to bring them back together again, even if they are friends who are going back to their home countries and I can’t see them anymore.
This is not the same as talking about sponsors, but even though things are very sad and hard right now, we hope that everyone will be able to enjoy anime events together in Japan again.



And …when COVID-19 is settled, please come to Japan, to Kyoto. We would love to
welcome you and share the fun of anime and fan activities with you.




I apologize if there are any rudeness or mistakes in the English translation.

